Question: Which popular Minnesota sport lets you enjoy the thrill of speed and the beauty of nature at the same time?
Answer: Snowmobiling, of course. Did you know that Minnesota has 23,000 miles of snowmobile trails to travel?
Lottery proceeds, distributed through the Natural Resources Fund, have helped grow these trails so this sport can be enjoyed by Minnesotans all across the state.
Minnesota’s extensive state park and trail system is the second oldest in the country, with our first state parks dating back to the late 1800s. Minnesota currently boasts 75 state parks and 23 state trails across the state.

Here are just six great snowmobiling options. Check out the these and other locations on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website:
1. CJ Ramstead North Shore State Trail
146 miles from Duluth to Grand Marais, with access to some of the most rugged and beautiful scenery in Minnesota
2. Taconite State Trail
Winds through forests of birch, aspen and pine and beside isolated lakes and streams along 165 miles from Grand Rapids to Ely

3. Paul Bunyan State Trail
The longest of Minnesota's state trails and the longest continuously paved rail-trail in the country, extends all the way from Crow Wing State Park to Lake Bemidji State Park.
4. Sakatah State Trail
This converted rail-trail begins north of Mankato, joins the Minnesota River Trail, follows a signed route on city streets through Waterville, passes through Sakatah Lake State Park, and ends in Faribault, 39 miles in all

5. Mille Lacs-Kathio State Park
19 miles of snowmobile trails traverse wooded hills and connect with the 13,000-mile grant-in-aid statewide snowmobile trail system at various locations
6. Heartland State Trail
One of the first rail-to-trail projects in the country, a 49-mile trail between Park Rapids and Cass Lake

Before you go, check out the snow depth and trail conditions reporting page for updates on conditions for state trails and state parks.
If you’ve never experienced the speed and natural beauty of snowmobiling, check out this resource for beginners.