Play the Be My Huckleberry scratch game, our latest $2 ticket, that’s perfectly ripe for picking at your local lottery retailer. This simple match game brings the fun, but if luck doesn’t go your way the first time, don’t worry — you can enter non-winning tickets for a 2nd Chance to win cash and prize packs.

Now, let’s dig into the delicious details about what makes huckleberries so special.
Huckleberries are nature’s little hidden gems—small, deep purple, and packed with flavor. But unlike their blueberry cousins, huckleberries refuse to be tamed. You won’t find them growing on big commercial farms because they thrive in the wild.
In Minnesota, Black Huckleberries, known as Gaylussacia baccata, aren’t as easy to find as the Be My Huckleberry scratch game. Since 2013, Black Huckleberries have been listed as a threatened species. There are some populations found in a handful of counties in the eastern part of the state, including in a Scientific and Natural Area.

Through the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, lottery proceeds have helped to permanently protect, restore or manage almost of half of Minnesota’s 170 Scientific and Natural Areas. SNAs are undeveloped public lands that represent some of Minnesota’s most unique landscapes and are home to rare plants, animals, and endangered species.
Remember, every time you play the lottery, you’re helping fund environmental projects in each of Minnesota’s 87 counties that help protect, restore and preserve our natural resources. Visit our Playing Our Part page to learn more.