The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Zoological Garden, Blue Mounds State Park, Minneopa State Park, Zollman Zoo, and recently Spring Lake Park Reserve and Dakota County are coordinating with the Minnesota Bison Conservation Herd to manage 130 to 160 bison across Minnesota. The Minnesota Bison Conservation Herd plans to eventually establish a conservation herd of 500 bison to ensure the long-term sustainability of these majestic animals that figure prominently in the history and culture of indigenous populations in Minnesota.
Lottery dollars helped restore bison in Minnesota by returning bison to Minneopa State Park. Recently some of those bison have been reintroduced to 150 acres of native and re-constructed prairie at Spring Lake Park Reserve along the Mississippi River near Hastings. These bison will help improve the reserve’s resiliency and biodiversity.
Bison evolved along with prairie ecosystems and their grazing, wallowing and other behaviors are a far superior means of prairie restoration and management that help increase plant and animal diversity and ecosystem resiliency. The alternative, repeated use of fire, reduces floral and faunal diversity.
The new bison residents are also especially beneficial to prairie ecosystems because they lack cattle genes, and therefore cattle grazing habits. The pure bison will help the plant community become even more diverse and will likely enhance ecosystem function and overall stability. Spring Lake Park Reserve visitors will have opportunities to view and learn about bison and the park.
Through the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, lottery proceeds recently contributed $560,000 to the bison reintroduction project, including fencing and gates, watering stations, means for humanely handling the bison and safe park visitor observation of the herd.
When you play the lottery you support countless Minnesota wildlife and access to natural resources such Minnesota’s state park system and trails, all of which have benefited from Minnesota Lottery proceeds through the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.