Having a whopper of a fish tale to tell is great; having a giant Gopher tale to tell is epic. What’s a Gopher tale? Glad you asked. Much like a Juicy Lucy or Jucy Lucy, feel free to argue amongst yourselves, you can only find the real thing in Minnesota. #TeamJucyLucy or #TeamJuicyLucy, choose well, friends.
You are probably feeling hungry and curious about how to get an authentic Minnesota Gopher tale of your own. No worries. We can help. There are 3,000+ lottery retailers located throughout Minnesota, so chances are you will see one while you are on your way to take care of that craving for molten-hot cheese. Just stop in and ask for a Gopher 5 ticket. And maybe pick up some snacks.
Five Gopher 5 Facts
- Gopher 5 is a Minnesota-only lotto game that is drawn on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
- Tickets are $1 per play.
- Jackpots start at $100,000 and grow until won.
- In 2021 (so far!) there have been five jackpot winners and thousands of other prize winners.
- The largest Gopher 5 jackpot ever won was a whopping $2,032,201.

Nature is Gopher 5’s Biggest Winner. Whether the Gopher 5 jackpot is $100,000 or over $1 million, a portion of every dollar played helps protect Minnesota’s great outdoors.
Ready to gopher-it? Learn how to play and where to play here.
The Minnesota Lottery sends good luck vibes to some other Gophers we love: the Minnesota Golden Gophers. Gopher-it! #ProudSponsor