Canal Park is where the city of Duluth meets the lake. Enjoy the charm of a small town in a big city. The area is buzzing with restaurants, breweries and boutiques, but reminders of the city’s origin as a major shipping hub are never out of sight.

Take the lakewalk out to the lighthouse. Hang out and watch the ships pull into the Duluth port and the Aerial Lift Bridge rise up above the neighborhood to let them pass.

Canal Park is only part of what you might find on a visit to Duluth. There are hundreds of miles for biking and hiking in any direction, including the Superior Hiking Trail that runs all the way up to Canada. Duluth features some of the most rugged and beautiful scenery anywhere - forests with trickling trout streams, rocky bluffs and miles of views of Lake Superior.

Minnesota Landmarks
In 2020, the Lottery celebrated eight unique Minnesota Landmarks. The tickets featured Minnehaha Falls and Lake Harriet in the Twin Cities, Canal Park and Gooseberry Falls on the North Shore, Lake Bemidji and Lake of the Woods in Northern Minnesota, Lake Shetek in the Southwest and Lake Pepin in the Southeastern part of the state.
Each ticket scene was another beautiful reminder of how Lottery proceeds help benefit all areas of Minnesota.