The Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway is a 50-mile road that travels through the heart of Minneapolis. The Rounds takes you past lakes and woodlands, man-made lagoons and gardens and some of the most beautiful homes in the Twin Cities. Lake Harriet is a favorite stop on the Grand Rounds.
Any summer day you’ll find the walking and biking trails that ring Lake Harriet filled with city dwellers. Visitors enjoy swimming, sailing, fishing or just hanging out on a park bench with a beautiful view of the city.

There’s a lot more to enjoy in the area. Visit the Thomas Sadler Roberts Bird Sanctuary and Peace Garden on the northeast side of the lake or stroll through the Lake Harriet Rose Garden and discover a world of roses in all colors and sizes.
Just a couple of block west of Lake Harriet is the neighborhood of Linden Hills. It’s a fabulous small town in the city with one-of-a-kind gift shops, award winning restaurants and what may be the best ice cream in Minneapolis. Grab something to go and take it down to the lake for an afternoon picnic.

Minnesota Landmarks
In 2020, the Lottery celebrated eight unique Minnesota Landmarks. The tickets featured Minnehaha Falls and Lake Harriet in the Twin Cities, Canal Park and Gooseberry Falls on the North Shore, Lake Bemidji and Lake of the Woods in Northern Minnesota, Lake Shetek in the Southwest and Lake Pepin in the Southeastern part of the state.
Each ticket scene was another beautiful reminder of how Lottery proceeds help benefit all areas of Minnesota.