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How To Play

Mark all letters on the crossword puzzle(s) that match any of the Call Letters. 

If you complete five or more horizontal or vertical words, you win a prize! 

You must match all the letters within a possible word. Letters that form a smaller word within a complete word do not count.

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Prizes and Odds

To Win: Approx. Odds*
60% of Progressive Jackpot 1 in 240,000.00
$250 1 in 4,800.00
$100 1 in 960.00
$25 1 in 120.00
$10 1 in 55.00
$5 1 in 7.00
$3 1 in 6.00

*Approximate odds are based on $3 purchase.
Approximate overall odds of winning a cash prize are 1 in 3.00.

Game Rules [PDF]

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