Here, there, and everywhere!

No matter where you live in Minnesota or what you do, lottery dollars are all around you! Every time someone says “I’MN,” we are playing our part by returning money back to Minnesota from Ada to Zumbrota. Since 1990, the Minnesota Lottery has played its part and generated more than $4 billion for programs that benefit our state. Every year, millions of dollars go back to Minnesota to help our state parks & trails, lakes, education, health care, and so much more. By preserving, restoring, and protecting our environment, it's how we all play our part. Say I’MN and learn more below!



Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund

$1.1 Billion

Game & Fish Fund

$315 Million

Butterfly Polinator

Natural Resources Fund

$317 Million

Nature Trails

Responsible Gambling

$57 Million

Other State Programs

$37 Million

Where does the rest of the money go?

Want a full breakdown of where all the lottery money goes? Care to learn more about the Minnesota Lottery's positive impact on our state? Read about the highlights of Fiscal Year 2023—the lottery's second best fiscal year ever—in our annual report!

Minnesota Beauty
Minnesota's Common Loon

Our Environment Wins

Through the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), lottery dollars support environmental projects in each of Minnesota's 87 counties. Whether it's funding loon conservation or providing accessible fishing piers, lottery dollars are hard at work. Look for ENRTF projects in your community!